Damn that's the most annoying thing ever !!
Anyway moving along, today my post will be describing an emotion.
And that emotion will be depression, no wait i shall cancel that.
Talking about depressing stuff on my blog is a no-no ! ;D
Anyway the emotion, wait i don't think i should classify as emotion
Nevermind, i shall just call it LIFE !
Yes people i shall be talking about life :D
Okay here goes,
Life is just an abstract form of emotions. People tend to live on with emotions
Just imagine one day, if we don't have emotions at all.
Emotions just cease to exist. And everyone will never feel sadness,anger,
and or any other emotions !
Then maybe the world will be a much happier place :D
But then again we will miss out on the importance of life. See? Anything to do
with emotions, gotta do with life, or vice-versa ! So in conclusion,
Anyway here's a brief explanation on " Life "
is a state that distinguishes organisms from non-living objects, such as non-life, and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism and reproduction. Some living things can communicate and many can adapt to their environment through changes originating internally. A physical characteristic of life is that it feeds on negative entropy. In more detail, according to physicists such as John Bernal, Erwin Schrödinger, Eugene Wigner, and John Avery, life is a member of the class of phenomena which are open or continuous systems able to decrease their internal entropy at the expense of substances or free energy taken in from the environment and subsequently rejected in a degraded form.
Well that's the meaning of life ! :D
Well for a in-depth meaning. Here it is :D
The meaning of life is the philosophic concept about the purpose and significance of human existence. It is the subject of much philosophic and scientific study, and much theologic speculation.
Usually, this existential query is expressed interrogatively:
- What is the meaning of life?
- Why are we here? For what reason are we here?
- What is the origin of life?
- What is the nature of life? What is the nature of reality?
- What is the purpose of life? What is one's purpose in life??
- What is the significance of life?
- What is meaningful and valuable in life?
- What is the value of life?
- What is the reason to live? For what are we living?
Philosophically, logical positivists ask: What is the meaning of life? and What is the meaning in asking? To the question: If there are no objective values, then, is life meaningless? Existentialism posits that the person creates life's meaning for him- and herself, thus rejecting Nihilism, and Humanists seek an explanation answering: I'm here, I exist, now what?
Theology being about the human psychologic need for a supernatural ideal, Friedrich Nietzsche says: God is dead, and Martin Heidegger asks: If God, as the supra-sensory ground and goal, of all reality, is dead; if the supra-sensory world of the Ideas has suffered the loss of its obligatory, and above it, its vitalizing and up-building power, then nothing more remains to which Man can cling, and by which he can orient himself.
Religion's answers to: What is the meaning of (my) life? include a moral demand helpful in assuaging one's grief with death. Unlike religion, mysticism and spirituality require direct experience, in order to learn that life (existence) is an unfolding awakening that transforms understanding to insight; hence, the ultimate goal in life is being (living) according to said mystical or spiritual insight — grasping, thereby, the meaning of life, of all of life, and of reality, itself.Anyway, back on track. I've already explained whats going on so please enjoy this boring yet looong post kay? :D
So that's it for my post today. Please don't doze of okay? i Did lots of effort on doing this !
Well then i shall bid all my readers farewell !
Untill next time (:
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